fashion boutique pos

To open the clothing store is a daunting task that doesn’t come without plenty of hard work. The owner has to keep a great eye on selecting what’s the trend, what’s the right time to display new stocks and what customers would like, to keep the customers coming to the store and make the business lucrative.

Also, fancy storefronts, best clothing and a lot more are taken care of to make the boutique a best destination for the customers to get what they want to buy in the most engaging manner.

But, contemplating what customers want, what’s your store’s pain point, how to better handle the inventory, how to analyze the marketing plan’s impact and identifying the potential customers, is a must to go an extra mile.

To enhance the level of quality and services you provide, you have to start looking through the customers lens to seek out what customers actually want and know where the market is moving.

Point of sale (POS) is a one-size- fits-all solution that helps the fashion boutiques to efficiently manage the store and grow the business with improved customer experience.


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The five areas where clothing boutique POS can help:

1) “Out of stock” – This phrase will disappear

With manual inventory management, it’s difficult to predict in advance that the product is low in quantity. And, sadly, sometimes the customers went away empty-handed because the item is out of stock.

It’s a big loss for the boutique.

According to a survey, “The large share of customers stops buying from the store, if the item they want to buy is out of stock.”

To not let this happen, with sales reporting and analytics, and proper inventory management, the boutique will get the notification earlier. Analyzing the sales pattern and trend, boutique can keep the most selling items in the stock so that customers won’t go away without buying nothing.


2) Dead stock would no longer remain

It’s good to keep the items in the stock before they last and boutiques always keep such items in the store. That’s great. But, the situation become worse when such items are ordered that are not in demand alongside the highest selling items.

At the end of the season or fashion, the dead stock is piling up in the store shelves that they have to sell at highly discounted prices with no profit.

According to National Retail Federation, “The USA retailers lose $224 billion because of excess inventory they cannot sell each year.”

With boutique POS solution, the stores don’t need to order the items in the bulk, while the POS will alert them whether there is a need to reorder the items or not based on the sales and analytics report for balancing the inventory.


3) Inventory management

In fashion boutique, not only the pieces of clothing are managed, but the color, size, season and material of every clothing as well. With traditional inventory, it’s difficult to separate and keep a record of the color/size matrix and categories.

The POS comes as a handy solution that enable boutiques to peep into the inventory and know what’s available in the stock in the real-time. Again and again, the need to monitor and count the items are alleviated, thus saving time and efforts.


4) Informed marketing

The customer who stepped into the store and made some purchase, can become the potential customer, if you are able to market the right product to them in a right way and at the right time.

But, computing what’s the right way and how to do it, is a hard nut to crack. Also, the modest budget is set aside for marketing and advertising. Ooops! What to do?

Fashion boutique POS can help boutique in identifying and analyzing the individual customers buying patterns, and accordingly the personalized messages including tailored offers can be sent. This customized marketing strategy would give the personal touch to the customers and turn them into loyal customers.

Besides, boutique can track the promotions or personalized coupons impact, and take the data-driven decisions accordingly.


The last word…

It’s time to bring the pain out of your business with fashion boutique POS.

But, exploring a POS solution that’s engineered with craftsmanship is an overwhelming process. You need a POS that exactly match your business requirement and offer high level of services to tap the business potential to the fullest.

This is really tricky to find. Partnering with a leading boutique POS solution provider can help you as they provide the consulting services that aid in comprehending what are your business pain points and what you really need. This is all about how you can select the POS solution.

Certainly, after adopting boutique POS, monitoring the inventory, knowing buying behavior, identifying seasonal/fashion trends, designing marketing plan and sales reporting would become a breeze.

Are you ready to join the retail revolution? If so, embrace the boutique shop point of sale software and let your boutique word out.

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