Inventory management using mobile POS system

Using a mobile point of sale system has become a necessity these days. Most people have started using this software, as they are becoming aware of its extraordinary benefits like inventory management, time saving and reasonably priced. Well, it is the right time to invest into a mobile point of sale software. So, if you have not purchased it, make sure you buy it as soon as possible and take your business to the next level. Remember one thing; make sure you buy it from the reputable company so as to avoid problems later on. Consider the important factors like budget, support services, maintenance and features of the system before selecting the software.

Once you purchase it, it is your responsibility to make the most out of it. If you do not make the use of all the features and functionalities, it will be the waste of your time and money. You would make use of the most features that help you to process the order of your customers. However, most people do not make use of their Magento POS systems to manage their inventory. Yes, your system helps you the best to manage your stock and helps you keep the products of online and physical store in sync. So, you must use the inventory management feature and make the most of your Magento mobile point of sale system. Here is how…

    • Votes:

The customers vote for what they like, each time they purchase something from you. So, it is important to count your votes accurately. It will help you know the products that you should order more and keep it in stock so it is always available to customers. It is all about having the right amount of products at the right time. Customers will appreciate the availability of products that they need.

    • Purchase orders:

You might have suffered from customer loss because of getting the wrong merchandise from your suppliers. Well, it is always a good idea to use your POS system to suggest and create purchase orders as well as transmit them electronically to your suppliers in order to reduce errors and save time.

    • Special orders:

Special orders help you make huge profits; so, start taking special orders without the fear of making mistakes. Your Pos is there to remember the things that you need to order and to notify you when the order arrives.

    • Order To Buy Method

The best way to manage your inventory and having the products in stock whenever you need them is to follow the OTB 9Order To Buy) method. This method is based on the sales history and helps you manage your inventory the best. You can buy the POS system that has got the built in OTB software. If your point of sale system doesn’t have it, you can buy the OTB software and link it to your POS system.

    • Check, check , check:

You must check: Lost sales, Top 100 sellers, Sales history
Keeping the track of these three things shall help you understand the trends and pattern of your sales so that you can always be ready with your products and you can ship it as soon as you receive orders; thus generating increased revenue and enhancing your business to a large extent.

Now that you know some of the most important tips to manage your inventory using the mobile Point of Sale system, it is advisable for you to handle it effectively and efficiently to make the most out of your software, not wasting your time and money.

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