Magento 2

According to the latest news on Magento, it’s been heard that the ecommerce platform is about to launch Magento 2. Right now the software is available in its beta version and is expected to be launched very soon with some really awesome features and the most desired improvements over the previous versions.


As per the resources, there’s a lot for retailers to get from the latest Magento 2 ecommerce platform. By opting for Magento 2 web development, the merchants will be able to get the following things for them.


    • An Entirely New User Experience for the Magento Admin

Magento 2 provides an awesome user experience for the administrators who are expected to get a better interface to interact with. It is expected that the administrators will now be able to work with touch friendly platform and will have their user interface of admin panel optimized even for the mobile and tablets. The platform brings in features like drag and drop reordering, custom views, flexible data grids and configurable columns thereby giving a better control over the admin section.


    • Faster Checkout Process

Improved features like guest checkout and recognition of registered users done automatically based on email would be a part of Magento 2 development and hence, will enable for faster check out processes.


    • Improvements for Product Import/Export

It is being expected for Magento 2 to bring in improvements in the way the products are exported/imported in the current versions. This will surely help merchants to add products to their store at a faster rate.


    • Improved Performance & Scalability

Magento 2 is expected to come with both client and server side performance improvements as it would support features like varnish 4, HHVM compatibility, static content caching in browser, better image compression and reduced JS code. Moreover, with a standalone database for OMS, MySQL cluster compatibility, catalogue database separation and entire sub-systems separation, scalability of Magento platform would improve drastically to support enterprise applications with this new version.


    • Backend Scalability

Ecommerce website development with Magento 2 will also give better backend scalability for the developers or the retailers, where concurrent users will be able to perform better order management and product management with deferred and immediate product updates.


    • New Magento Connect

Magento Connect, the extension marketplace would also be available for benefit of developers or retailers who would be able to download and sell extensions for this latest Magento platform easily through the New Magento Connect. Automated scans would be performed for code safety and plagiarism checks for the extensions here.


    • Availability of Attribute Swatches

Not only image swatches, in this latest ecommerce version, swatches for the text and color swatches would also be available.


    • Easy Module Availability

More than two hundred of the top free and paid modules are said to be available on the New Magento Connect for the use with the version 2 and hence, Magento development process would become more easier for the developers while retailers would be able to make easy changes to their retail store with the help of these readily available modules.

Hence, there’s a bag full of advantages to get for the retailers with this latest Magento version. It would be better for the retailers to have a watch over the updates of this latest version and go for Magento 2 development ultimately when the version gets released.

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