Ecommerce Site Search

Customer preferences are varied. Some are casually allured by colourful displays and beautiful graphics, while some others are looking for something very specific. They do not want to be browsing endlessly to find something. Site search is their choice for getting what they want. Be sure, that when visitors conduct a search on your site, they are more likely to buy than the ones who are casually browsing. If you provide them with what they are seeking, you will definitely improve your chances for sales.

Here are a few more tips for search options for an ecommerce solution

Search results overriding

Be careful while using this trick if you over do the override, it may negatively impact the relevancy of the search results. This option makes sense when you want to improve the relevancy of the search results. The top of the list could be overridden by the promotional items. Customer engagement with the top few results on your site search is highest. After a few top listings, customer engagement steeply drops. Well, the products that you decide to push to the top of site search results should be relevant to the search too.

Cross Selling and Up Selling – should be relevant

Cross selling and up selling irrelevant items will only negatively impact your site’s credibility. When visitors search for products on your website, they expect to see results relevant to their search terms. If they do not get that a strong distrust in your ecommerce site is built. When customers are search for exact items, you website should be able to provide the right results. No cross selling and upselling here. It is detrimental for your website. Give them what they want and you’ve got your sale!

Content pages to display relevant searches

If you place relevant products on search pages, customers are able to find what they want sooner. Well, this provides a great shopping and searching experience at your web store. The best option is to create your search results as per the past keyword searches of customers. This will definitely provide customers with highly relevant search experience and will be beneficial for your SEO efforts too.

Keyword Driven Banners

This is a classic way of ensuring customers that they are at the right place. Banners can highlight your latest promotions or products on sale, so that customers are kept informed and can look out for those offers and products on your ecommerce website. Banners are a powerful way of providing your customers with product information and product promotions and offers.

That said, the importance of providing customers with the option to search your site and doing it the right way could greatly improve your sales. Ensure you include all the essential elements to your ecommerce website search function perfectly for a website visitor. This is what will drive sales targeting those customers who come with the intent of looking for and buying very specific products at your store. Ecommerce solutions when implemented the right way prove beneficial for both, customers as well as merchants.

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