Magento CRM Services

In the internet-powered business world, popular as ‘e-commerce’, data is the powerful dominant. In such era, keeping your data, orders, customers, and products organized across various platforms must be considered as the first priority.

Magento CRM solution is considered as one of the best out of the existing combinations. In case, you have no idea why, you’ll find it out here.

E-commerce statistics suggest that in 2013, the total B2C e-commerce sales was reported for more than US$1.2 trillion. Now this is certainly a huge amount.

In fact, as per the current statistics, 40 percent of global internet users have purchased goods via online medium. This, eventually amounts to over 1 billion online customers, and it’s certainly growing more every passing day.

Having said that, it becomes important for businesses following e-commerce model to ensure customer satisfaction. They need to push themselves to achieve minimal or no error at all in the process.

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Magento CRM Fulfils the Need to Stay Synchronized

The businesses that are properly organized, evaluate their requirements as per their growth records, hence implementing various software platforms in order to keep a tab on data.


More often, the order, user, and product are distributed across various platforms. Maintaining synchronized records as business and traffic hikes can turn out to be quite strenuous.


Similar to any other process, it can become highly prone to errors caused due to manual work. In the meantime, using human resources in order to cover the tasks eventually ends up becoming a liability if not anything else.


One should consider connecting systems in better, more streamlined and structured approach when risks seem too big to ignore. It requires some desperate measures to be taken.


Advantages of Having Magento CRM


Bi-directional Synchronization 

Magento CRM integration allows bi-directional synchronization between the two system’s data.

Whenever an order is placed, the data is automatically collected from the store and updated immediately in the CRM.

Due to this, data consistency is maintained fairly well. Besides, it also speeds up the process of data updating.


Easy Integration 

Magento offers smooth collaboration with a CRM system. One can easily access the CRM database and use the system along with data in order to draft a campaign.

All of this can be done using an API. In fact, you can find numerous other CRM’s that can be easily well integrated with the system at Magento Connect.


Enhanced Data Management 

When an outlet interacts with clients via multiple channels, CRM permits data management in a better way.

As soon as data is created, the data migration and integration may prove to be difficult. It may witness a few inaccuracies, too.


Create Multiple Online Stores 

This is a front-end for creating multiple online outlets. It’s possible to handle all data related to customer from a single front-end using Magento’s integration with a CRM system.

A CRM is perfectly capable of synchronizing entire customer data across various nodes at a time, offering you to handle all the data simultaneously at one time via a single admin panel.


Automatic Synchronization of Data 

Magento integration keeps users away from the hassle of manual data feeding into the CRM system.

Magento CRM solution saves users from the painful, time-consuming process. Also, feeding data manually increases the chances of errors.


Summing It Up

What else could a business possibly need other than the aforementioned points? Magento Salesforce integration is a great combination and all the points suggest that Magento CRM solution is a boon for businesses. So why not go for it?

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