Conversion Optimization Techniques For Ecommerce Store

Of course, it is important to give in all the efforts to increase the conversion rate of your website. What is the use of the increased traffic, if the visitors do not end up purchasing anything from your store? The previous blog ‘Conversion Optimization Techniques for your e-commerce store – Part 1’ has got some of the best guidelines to increase the number of visitors on your website turning to customers. So, if you are yet to read it, you must have a look at it. Here, we shall take a glance at a few other guidelines which shall help you to increase your conversion rate.

    • Go for the A/B test and you are sure to get positive results:

You can consider as one of the most important tips. However, very few people implement this. Instead of being limited to one website, you must try different layouts of your website. Try different font text, colors and sizes too! Do not hesitate to experiment with your online store and you would be quite surprised with the rise in conversion ratio by simple changes in layout.

    • Your 20 seconds starts now!

According to a research, it has been found out, that a visitor on any website stays and judges it in 20 seconds. If he is impressed during that time, he will stay for more time; otherwise he will switch to another website. So, it is your responsibility to win the trust of visitors in first 20 seconds. The contact details like phone number and address should be easily visible to users. Also, it should look professional; don’t make it too much gaudy.

    • Do not ask for too much:

For a user on your website, nothing can be more annoying than spending a lot of time in filling up the contact form or registration form. Do not ask for the information which you are hardly going to use. What is the need for asking for fax number, when you are already asking for phone number and email address? Ask for little and win their hearts!

    • Call To Actions should never lie

The call to action button plays an important role in the website designing. The text written on those buttons should tell users what exactly would happen when they will click on it. The text should never ever lie or mislead users. Also, the buttons should be huge enough and clearly visible to the visitors on your website.

Now that you are aware of all the tips to convert the visitors of your online store into customers, you must make sure that you will follow all these tips so that you can earn more customers and increase your profit to the maximum level. All the good luck!

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