eCommerce Predictions of 2015

In this fast-paced world, a lot of things are happening on the web and we cannot keep an eye on each and everything that is happening in eCommerce web development. If you are an eCommerce owner, you must be busy focusing on inventory management and staffing, to name a few. The online store owners are so busy, that there is hardly any chance of them getting time to discover the next big thing in an eCommerce world.

A lot of eCommerce experts can study and research on the latest trends. So, they can help you with some amazing tips which will help you enhance your online store. On asking them, we have come up with some of the best eCommerce predictions that can be helpful to you. So, let us take a look at some of the most important ones now…

    • Quick and enhanced A/B testing

The eCommerce industry has been evolving and progressing since its inception. We already know that the conversion rate of the mobile websites is higher than the desktop website. Similarly, revenue generated through mobile app is more than the website.

These days, personalization and content is playing a major role in eCommerce and it has been one of the biggest predictions that personalization tested through A/B testing will increase the conversion rate to the maximum.

    • Mobile commerce

The number of people using smartphones is increasing to a large extent each day, resulting in the increased number of people buying online through their mobile phones. The development of larger mobile phones will make eCommerce easier.

Mobile commerce has been trending these days. Being one of the most evolving trends, it will be a necessity in the near future.

    • Rones to ship products

‘Drones’ is booming in the eCommerce market now and people think that shipping with drones would change the eCommerce industry and revolutionize the business. It will transform the way it works.

It will provide not only faster, but also the hassle free delivery to the customers. So, most huge eCommerce companies are thinking if they should totally switch to drones and employ them to deliver products.

    • Customer experience

The eCommerce stores that have chosen the template which 1000 other stores have chosen and that keep the same product description, not thinking about customer experience will fail.

Only the eCommerce store owners who try to know and understand their customers and want to make an engaging experience for them will build a memorable brand and receive thousands of orders.

    • The wearable technology

By looking at the success of the Apple watch and Google glass, it can be seen that the wearable technology is evolving at a rapid pace. It has been predicted that, the time is not far when after eCommerce and mCommerce, the industry will be named as w-Commerce for the wearable technologies.

Now that you are aware of some of the most important eCommerce trends, it is advisable for you to keep them in mind and implement them, so as to enhance your business.

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