Emails That Will Matter The Most This Holiday Season

Sending emails to your customers or potential customer is not exactly screaming out about your sales and offers. It is in fact paying heed to what your customers want and giving them exactly that. Listen carefully to what your customers have to say. A major part of this includes appropriate customer research well before the shopping season begins. Rather than creating a promotional email message that shouts out loud about your business, understand what customers want and address their needs with customized email messages to all. Don’t send out just one email template to the entire audience.

An example of what I am trying to explain is covered in our previous post for “Customer Segmentation”. It is a classic example of listening to your customers, gathering data and marketing the right content to the right audience.

Well, all said, you need not discontinue the use of one common email to make customers aware about the holiday season sale, but other than that, include personalized emails to customers by appropriately segregating them.

Welcome Emails

New customer sign ups to your stores are more likely during the holiday season. Take this as an opportunity to communicate and interact with them. Send out Welcome Emails. While doing so, make sure that you send the email with a name (probably your CEO or someone from the support team). If customers do reply, make sure that you have someone ready to handle the conversation. Sending noreply@.. Email addresses will be detrimental to your business in terms of capturing new customers and retaining them. Well, make sure that the email includes a call to action and it would be nice if you could give away something along with it.

Abandoned Cart Emails

Understand your customer’s shopping behavior. What type of products they are interested in, what price range they are comfortable with and what makes them buy or abandon carts. Are they driven away by the long checkout process or are they happy with the shipping times and methods. Make sure you offer alternatives – may be a lower price or a better deal.

Ecommerce Solutions like Magento have extensions for abandoned cart that can be added on the go to send an emails. Magento Development and customization will can also help you add email features to your eStore.

Email Receipts

Sending email receipts to customers who have made a purchase is a good idea. Use referral codes in your emails. If you do have some super deals to share, you can include them in your email receipts and spread the word further. Upsells could be a part of your email receipts too. Although the main reason for an email receipt is to acknowledge payment for the products that a customer buys, you can include a small call to action as well for your latest deals that you feel might interest them.

Feedback Emails

Asking feedback from customers is a great way to re-plan your marketing strategies around customer demands. This will in turn help you get those sales. Ask customers to rate your products and provide feedback but make sure that you do not include a long survey form along with it! It should be a short and sweet survey.

Overall, email marketing works wonders if done the right way – especially during this holiday season!

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